The female impersonator and trans comedian Flame Monroe defends fellow comedian Jess Hilarious regarding Jess' recent response to a trans woman's statements about biological women and womanhood. The unnamed trans woman went viral for the following comments: "The arrogance for cis women (biological women) to believe that they own periods, that they own womanhood, you don't, you don't own periods, you don't own womanhood! You experience both, and both are different for every person, but as a cis woman, it doesn't belong to you, so you can't gatekeep it. Like, hello!"
In a now-deleted Instagram post, Jess angrily responded to the viral message with the following statements: "Who the (expletive) is gonna stand up for us? Who the (expletive) stands up for us? And us, I mean women, real women, biological women. Women who were born with all the parts that you guys wish you were!... When does the delusion stop?... Wake up! How are you projecting your anger on real women? Because we are the gatekeepers, we are the gatekeepers for periods; we're the only ones that (expletive) bleed honey; we're the only ones that can give birth. We made y'all people!... Y'all come from us!"
Despite being transgender, Flame Monroe has consistently advocated for biological women. Flame sided with Jess Hilarious' stance with the following remarks, "You all keep making transphobia what you want it to be. Transphobia, any phobia, is a fear of something. Ain't nobody scared of no goddamn trans women or trans men. They're scared of the bullshit y'all are pushing...They really love us. Jess the Mess is my girl, and I stand with Jess the Mess."
Flame furthered to say, "Publicly, I'm saying it! I don't give a (expletive) who don't like it...This (expletive) was talking about women don't own periods! I stand with Jess on this one and all biological women. Trans women cannot have periods. We shouldn't even be having this discussion. What we should be discussing is Ron DeSantis telling people that slavery taught us skills! Women own periods, and women own womanhood. And we can't borrow a period, but we have borrowed being a woman from women. Let me tell you what people are getting sick of. People are sick of bullshit; they getting sick of DeSantis and his bullshit. They are now sick of some of these trans girls, these young angry-ass trans (expletive) pushing the wrong narrative to the world on America. God don't make no mistakes! But you live in a country where you can live as and identify as whatever you want to. Y'all don't want to hear that...You acting like the sexist men that run this country. So women are just third-world people? A woman had your ass! And soon as you remember that, you're going to be ok!"
Flame is a longstanding comedian and female impersonator from Chicago. Flame has been very vocal about his regard for biological women and the ongoing issues between the trans community and natural women. The entertainer also supported comedian Dave Chappelle following the criticism he faced for jokes about the LGBTQ community on his Netflix special The Closer. Flame found Chappelle's punchlines fitting for his special, stating, "At the end of the day, it's all comedy."
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